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Frequently Asked Questions

Get answers to common questions about how DocDocParalegal simplifies form-filling with AI.

Our FAQ section ensures you fully understand the platform and its capabilities.

DocDocParalegal specializes in helping users fill out complex forms such as immigration forms (e.g., USCIS forms). In the future, we will support a wider variety of forms, including tax documents, employment contracts, and business registrations. If it’s a form, our AI assistant can guide you step-by-step.

We prioritize your privacy. All information entered on DocDocParalegal is encrypted during transfer and storage using advanced security protocols. Your data is stored temporarily to allow you to modify or revisit your forms but is securely deleted after a defined period. Our platform is compliant with industry standards to keep your data safe.

Absolutely! DocDocParalegal is designed to assist with sensitive forms like immigration applications, financial disclosures, and more. Our AI is trained to provide accurate, context-aware guidance, ensuring your forms are completed correctly while maintaining the highest level of confidentiality.

The number of forms you can complete depends on your subscription plan. The free plan allows you to test our service with a single form or a few pages. The Gold plan covers one form per purchase, saved for unlimited modifications. Our Diamond plan provides unlimited forms, ideal for paralegal professionals managing multiple clients.

Our AI provides tailored assistance, such as step-by-step form guidance, data validation, error checking, and suggestions for incomplete sections. The platform ensures you don’t miss crucial details, making form-filling faster, easier, and stress-free.

Yes, DocDocParalegal saves your progress so you can return and modify your forms at any time. This feature is available in both the Gold and Diamond plans, ensuring you have full control over your documents.

Yes! With the Diamond plan, paralegal professionals can manage multiple clients, organize forms, and collaborate efficiently. Our platform is tailored to professionals who need to handle large volumes of forms across different users.

If you’re unsure whether DocDocParalegal can help with your specific form, feel free to contact our support team. We're constantly expanding our database of supported forms, so there’s a good chance we already have the tools to assist you.

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